Mystery Mix 2021
It’s back! By popular demand! Well, “demand” might be overstating it a bit, though I have heard from a couple of loyal readers asking if I was going to present another mystery mix puzzle this year. So here it is, just in time for Christmas. First, a word for my newest followers: As I explained in my November 28, 2020 post, several years ago I created a mix CD with a dozen or so of my favorite tunes and placed unnamed copies of the disc in each member of my family’s Christmas stocking. All the tracks on the playlist shared a commonality that I didn’t reveal. The object of the game was to be the first to guess the mystery theme. This proved to be a lot of fun and thus an annual family tradition was born.
Over the years, as word of my mystery mix spread, I started sharing the playlists with a few of my closest music-minded friends. And now, after expanding it to this blog last year, I’ve been encouraged to do it again. So what follows is a puzzle gift to you, dear readers. I know this is not everyone’s cup of tea, but if you’re so inclined, I’d love for you to give it a go. Even if you don’t solve it, I hope you’ll enjoy the eclectic mix of songs and artists. Have fun with it. (You may revisit last year’s mystery mix at
A few instructions before we begin: All the songs in the playlist are related by a specific common thread. Your task is to identify this mystery connection. (Hint: this commonality is not topical, nor is it related to anything external to the songs themselves.)
Your answer must be submitted via the submission form below, with the first person submitting the correct answer being declared the winner; however, that declaration will not be made until Tuesday, December 28. If you have second thoughts about your answer, no problem, there is no limit to how many times you may submit. The accuracy of any submission will not be divulged before a winner is announced. If no correct entries are received by December 28, a hint will be emailed to all participants and the game will continue until a correct answer is received or until the game dies a natural death due to lack of participation.
Finally, I would ask that you not spoil things for other participants by revealing your submissions or by discussing possible solutions and giving hints here in the comments section or on Facebook and other public forums.
Solution Submission Form
mys·ter·y (noun): something that is difficult or impossible to identify, understand, or explain.
From the Greek mystērion (usually in plural mysteria), “a secret rite or doctrine known and practiced by certain initiated persons only, consisting of purifications, sacrificial offerings, processions, songs, etc.,” from mystēs “one who has been initiated,” from myein “to close, shut”; perhaps referring to the lips (in secrecy) or to the eyes (only initiates were allowed to see the sacred rites).