
 Russell (age 16, seated center) and his cousins on motorcycles at Papa Bond's

July 1970

Russell 16 (seated center) and his cousins on motorcycles at Papa Bond's (July 1970)_web crop.jpg


I have for many years wished to put a few things in writing, sharing some of my thoughts, experiences, and some of the pursuits and interests I enjoy most, and doing it in a way that would engage others with similar tastes. Of course, a blog will do all that–it’s not a new concept–but my earlier hesitations to starting such a project have been manifold: I don’t have time for it, maybe when I retire. There are thousands of blogs out there–probably millions; do I have anything to say, and who would want to read it? Well, I am now retired (twice retired, in fact) and I have the time. Yes, there are beaucoup blogs in the blogosphere, some are really great, well-written and creative, many are quite dreadful, a few are wonderfully mediocre but providing a needed release for their creators and maintaining a small but loyal following. My blog probably won’t generate a nickel’s worth of attention, but if it falls into that latter category, I’ll be okay with that—I can handle mediocrity. Truth is, I’m doing this for myself. Plus, this coronavirus-quarantine-thing of late has cast a whole new layer of impetus on my nagging notion that I should do this now.

But where to start such a project? With only a few poorly thought-out ideas for content and a format, I read through a small text file I keep on my PC’s desktop simply called “I Love…” It’s a file I created a few years ago, and have sporadically updated since, where I write on each line a short statement about an item that interests me. There are well over a hundred little snippets in this file that to some degree help to encapsulate who I am and what I’ve been thinking. Many entries relate to music, many to wordplay, others to my favorite books, movies, podcasts, and pastimes. More than a few entries hit more than one of these buttons simultaneously (for example, “I love the wordcraft in the lyric phrase ‘hurry-home drops on her cheek’ in Chuck Berry’s song Memphis”). Some are silly and some are too personal to share here. With this file as a jumping off point, along with a few old family photos and some of the reminiscences of my youth, I hope to find enough fodder to sustain, for a while, at least, an outlet for my urge to create something. And if someone else might find it interesting, well, all the better.

Russell Lott
March, 2020

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